Kiki Kitsune

Voluptuous Viis beauty from the First.

RP Character Profile

Name: Kiki Kitsune
Gender: Female
Data Center: Crystal
World: Malboro
Free Company: The Desert Rose (ROSE)
Main Class: Red Mage
Occupation(s): Co-owner, The Desert Rose; Desginer, Kitsune Design Studios; Crafter, Entertainer
Relationship(s): Kotu'a Mewrilah
Orientation: Bisexual (female lean), Polyamorous, Demisexual


Like many other Viis, Kiki Kitsune was raised deep in the forests of the Rak’tika Greatwood. The youngest of seven sisters, Kiki was often known for getting into mischief. As a young Viis, she would often wander from her home village of Fanow. Her sisters would search far and wide, even finding her at the entrance to Qitana Ravel or the neighboring city of Slitherbough. Kiki never understood why, but her sisters and her mother insisted that Viis should keep to their own kind, and keep to their forest.From a young age, Kiki was warned not to play with black magic. Her sisters had chosen to be bards, just like her mother, and her mother before her. But Kiki had always been a rebel; she would steal away to the tunnels of the Qitana Ravel, where, as luck would have it, she stumbled across a rare black mage soulstone. This strange stone had a source of aether, unlike anything Kiki had ever seen before. While she did not know much of black magic, she knew that members of the Night’s Blessed were masters of black magic.Determined to learn more about this strange new stone, Kiki stole away across the Citia Swamps, deep into the encampment of the Children of the Everlasting Dark. Knowing the risk, Kiki traveled in the shadows and crept her way into the deepest parts, where several mages were fast asleep. Taking care to not wake them, she rifled through their belongings, desperate for answers about her precious stone. There, she was able to find and steal a single tomestone about the use of a black mage soulstone. This tome became her most prized possession, as she studied the book and practiced her magicks under the cloak of night.For many years, Kiki was able to conceal her practices from her family and the village, working late at night in the tunnels of the Qitana Ravel. This all changed one day with the arrival of a stranger named Y'shtola. As this new mystel explored the tunnels, Kiki became aware of a new, great source of aether, unlike anything she had ever sensed before. Kiki tried to keep her distance, going deeper into the tunnels than she had dared to in the past. As she sought to distance herself from the aether, she was faced with new enemies, the likes of which she had never seen before. In self-defense, Kiki began to use her black magic spells.Suddenly, Kiki felt a strange pulling sensation. She was unable to control her magic, and felt the aether begin to take over her physical body. Next thing she knew, Kiki was no longer standing in the familiar tunnel of the Qitana Ravel. In fact, she was uncertain that she was standing at all. . She couldn't identify the environment around her, or even determine if she was still in her own body. All she knew is that she was being pulled from somewhere, or to somewhere, in a way she had never experienced before. It was akin to aetheryte travel in her homeland, but at a much longer distance with much less control.After what seemed like an eternity, Kiki found herself no longer being pulled away from her tunnel but being pulled towards a specific place. The new town finally came into view; this was a land Kiki had never seen before. In some ways, this strange new land looked like home; a beautiful forest land, under the cover of many trees. What she did notice is that there were no Viis in sight; however, there were several mystel nearby, some who looked remarkably familiar. Could this be the home of the beautiful stranger, Y'shtola? If so, why was Kiki brought here? So many questions filled her mind as Kiki began her journey into Eorzea. She attempted to gather her strength after her strange journey and took her first steps into Gridania.Kiki began her travels with not a piece of gil to her name, only her black magic soulstone and the clothes on her back. She quickly learned that Ul'dah was the home of thaumaturgy and black magic, so she made the journey across the desert to the city-state to learn more about her craft. Upon arrival in town, she visited the Thaumaturge’s Guild, where she studied under four lalafel tutors. However, they warned her of the perils of pursuing the ways of the black mage, as this path led to darkness.Kiki had always been a rebel. She ventured out into the desert, determined to seek out the Almaaja black mage in Eastern Thanalan. During her travels, she came across a strange, glowing portal in the air in front of her, unlike anything she had ever seen before. This portal seemed to be beckoning her to come closer, and she slowly did just that. Suddenly, she was face to face with what her tutors had warned her of - a voidsent. It reached out and grabbed for her, trying to pull her into the portal. As the creature touched her, Kiki could feel the darkness crawl inside of her.For a moment, Kiki stood, paralyzed by fear, as well as the darkness trying to take over her body. The fight began within, as she tried to push the darkness out, and then continued as she stepped slowly away from the portal, using all the magic she could muster to thrust the voidsent back into the portal. Although she was weak from the encounter with the voidsent, Kiki knew she needed to find a way to seal the voidgate before another spawned. She looked around, and on the ground found blood, splattered from the creature she had just fought. Perhaps the blood of the creature would be strong enough to seal the gate. So, Kiki collected a few drops of blood, and tried to recall the sealing spells she studied in her youth. To her relief, the portal began to close, and soon enough, the voidgate was sealed.The weight of the darkness from the voidsent left Kiki feeling weak, dizzy, and tired. She made her way back to the Hourglass in Ul'dah. After sleeping for what felt like days, Kiki finally found the strength to crawl out of bed. She walked over to the mirror and looked up. What she saw before her startled her; her emerald green eyes now burned bright crimson. Her brief encounter with the voidsent had left her forever changed; a piece of darkness from the voidsent now dwelt inside of her, and burned bright in her eyes.

RP Hooks

  • Kiki is a shy but friendly girl. She would prefer someone to walk up to her and start a conversation. She wants to be swept off her feet, like most girls. However, once she gets going, she can be QUITE the flirt.

  • Kiki is trying to find her way back to the First, especially her village hidden deep in the forest of the Rak'tika Greatwood, through any means necessary. She would love company on her journey.

  • Kiki has a glowing purple stone in her possession that just might be the key to her lost family. She would be greatly indebted to anyone with more information about such stones.

  • If you approach Kiki, you may notice her eyes subtly glow red. They have not always been this shade of shimmering crimson.

  • Kiki has a love for adventure and a bit of a rebellious streak. She wouldn't mind getting into a bit of trouble, as long as she has the right partner in crime.

  • Kiki is interested in new long-term RP partners. (She has a preference for females right now.)


Availability: Usually evenings and weekends
Time Zone: US Eastern
Discord: Available on Request
Roleplay Style: I prefer to RP in game. Willing to discuss Discord RP after meeting in game, in character first. Consent is first above all. I will NOT ERP with lalas under any circumstances. You must be 21+ or older.I'm willing to discuss a wide variety of topics and themes for RP. I am not usually into one-night stands; I prefer to build relationships and make connections with people. I'm open to dark and mature themes as long as they are discussed ahead of time.My DMs are open when I'm online as long as my RP tag is up. I may be a little shy at first, but that's just Kiki's character.Above all, please understand that RP with Kiki is NOT RP with the person behind Kiki. Keep IC and OOC separate. If you're not sure about something, just ask!